John Stockholm

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Casian, Anatolie, John G. Stockholm, Viorel Dusciac, and Veaceslav Nicic. (2008) 2008. “A Low-Dimensional Organic Thermoelectric Material TTT2I3-Reality and Prospects”. In Int. Materials Research Conference , To be published in Journal Superlattices and Nanostructures. Chongqing, China.
Stockholm, John G. (2003) 2003. “Thermoelectric Materials”. In Seventh International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, Copy available from the author. Bucharest, Romania.
Nedelcu, Marin, Ovidu Stoican, and John G. Stockholm. 2002. “Thermoelectric Generators With Capacitive Assisted Electric Pulsed Output”. In , Copy available from the author. Pamplona Spain.
Nedelcu, Marin, Ovidu Stoican, and John G. Stockholm. 2002. “Thermoelectric Generators With Electric Pulsed Output, ”. In , 26-29. Long Beach California USA.
Pati\~no_Lopez, L. D., S. Dilhaire, S. Grauby, S. Jorez, W. Claeys, K-I. Uemura, and John G. Stockholm. (2001) 2001. “Study of the Thermal Behaviour of PN Thermoelectric Couples by Laser Probe Interferometric Measurement”. In Proceedings International Conference on Thermoelectrics,, 499-502. Beijing, China: IEEE Catalog number 01TH8589. doi:Proceedings International conference on Thermoelectrics,.