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Strain imaging in thermoelectric components by laser probe shearography Jorez, S., S. Dilhaire, Patino Lopez, S. Grauby, W. Claeys, K-I. Uemura, and J. G. Stockholm. (2001) 2001. “Strain Imaging in Thermoelectric Components by Laser Probe Shearography”. In Proceedings International Conference on Thermoelectrics,, 503-6. Beijing China: IEEE Catalog number 01TH8589. Jorez-ICT-2001.pdf. |
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11 | Study of the thermal behaviour of PN thermoelectric couples by laser probe interferometric measurement Patino-Lopez, L. D., S. Dilhaire, S. Grauby, S. Jorez, W. Claeys, K. Uemura, and J. G. Stockholm. 2001. “Study of the Thermal Behaviour of PN Thermoelectric Couples by Laser Probe Interferometric Measurement”. Proceedings ICT2001. 20 International Conference on Thermoelectrics. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE. |
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Study of the thermal behaviour of PN thermoelectric couples by Laser Probe Interferometric Measurement Pati\~no_Lopez, L. D., S. Dilhaire, S. Grauby, S. Jorez, W. Claeys, K-I. Uemura, and John G. Stockholm. (2001) 2001. “Study of the Thermal Behaviour of PN Thermoelectric Couples by Laser Probe Interferometric Measurement”. In Proceedings International Conference on Thermoelectrics,, 499-502. Beijing, China: IEEE Catalog number 01TH8589. doi:Proceedings International conference on Thermoelectrics,. |
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